Egyedi lándzsák
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Ezen az oldalon az egyedi lándzsák gyűjteményét láthatod. Amint találunk új lándzsákat, folyamatosan bővítjük velük a listát.
Lance of Yaggai

Type: spetum
Two-Hand Damage: 15-21
Class: spear
Attack Speed: slow
Durability: 140
Required: 54 str
adds 1-40 lightning damage
all resistances +15%
attacker takes damage of 8


Type: trident
Two-Hand Damage: 9-15
Class: spear
Attack Speed: fast
Durability: 175
Required: 38 str
slows target by 25%
50% target defense
+8 to dexterity
+15 to strength
greatly increased attack speed

The Dragon Chang

Type: spear
Two-Hand Damage: 13-15
Class: spear
Attack Speed: normal
Durability: 150
200% damage to undead
+2 to light radius
+35 to attack rating
+10 to minimum damage

The Tannr Gorerod

Type: pike
Two-Hand Damage: 14-63
Class: pike
Attack Speed: spear
Durability: 125
Required: 60 str/45 dex
+3 to light radius
15% to maximum fire resist
fire resist 15%
adds 12-18 fire damage
+60 to attack rating
+30 to life